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My Family's History was once a Mystery


Updated: Sep 9, 2022

I asked my mom to relive some terrible times

I wanted more answers on the Nazis and their crimes

Ethnic cleansing, anti-Semitism, prejudice and hate

A yellow star sealing millions to their frightful fate

A beautiful, loving family my mother Sophie once had

Then she became devastated, orphaned, irate and mad

She once had a mother, a father, grandparents, aunts, uncles, a sister and brothers

A family lost like so many others

Nazis killed 6 million, however you and your sister survived due to G-d

Created a new life in the USA; originally it felt like a facade

You picked up the pieces and became resilient

You finished your education and became brilliant

Still your children encouraged you to retrace a life that you once had

Will you go back to Poland to erect a tombstone for your mom and dad?

"Yes," said my mom who is always so strong and brave

Even though it meant reliving the ghetto, concentration camps, and being a slave

Tears were shed, prayers were chanted at the tombstone; and finally a little closure

Now time to educate the world about the horror of the holocaust with full disclosure

Time to stop all of the hatred and genocide

Take action, speak up and don't ever hide

Now Sophie loves life and is all smiles

And it is time to read her story: 4,456 Miles

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